Category Archives: Mental Game

Outsmart The Course With These Mental Tips

Hello again Golf Circuit Fans!

Golf Circuit’s PGA Teaching Professional is back with another blog post to help you play your best, and today I want to focus on the mental side of the game.  I find that many of my students spend too much time trying to perfect their swing when they could drop their scores significantly by just playing smarter.  Here’s a few tips to help you make the most out of the swing you’ve already got…

  1. Set up for success on the tee box:  This one is a no-brainer!  When you are teeing up your ball it is important to make sure you are on side of the tee blocks that is going to give you the best chance of hitting a good shot and staying out of trouble.  To do this simply tee your ball up on the same side as the trouble.  This might seem counter-intuitive, but when you try it you will know why it’s one of my favorite little strategy tips.  When you tee up on the same side as the trouble you automatically open up the other side of the hole and reduce the chance that you will end up in the lumber yard.
  2. Don’t let a straight shot cost you:  This is another simple tip that I picked up a while back, and it’s helped me avoid lots of unnecessary frustration.  When you’re lining up your shot make sure that you don’t aim in a place where hitting a straight shot will cost you.  This may seem simple, but I always see other golfers playing for their slice and then ending up hitting one straight – right into the pond.  There’s nothing more frustrating then finally getting your swing figured out and still having to pay the price.  If you’re not confident enough in the club that you’re hitting to aim properly, maybe you should head back to the bag.
  3. Focus on the target not the swing:  When I’m out on the course I really try to avoid thinking about swing thoughts.  Instead, I focus on my target as much as I can and try to imagine myself hitting the shot I want before I actually do.  Think about it this way – if you’re going to crumple up a piece of paper and try to throw it in the wastebasket across the room are you going to worry about how you are bending your elbow and when you are going to release the paper from your hand?  I don’t think so!  You’re going to look at the wastebasket and use your intuition to give it your best toss.  That’s the kind of thoughts that I like to have when I’m out on the course – not complicated ones about swing technique.

That’s all for this edition – I hope these tips and tricks hep you all play smarter and have more fun!

From Tee to Green,
