Category Archives: Short Game

Lower Your Scores With Properly Fit Wedges

Hello Golf Circuit Followers!

My name is James and I am the resident PGA Teaching Pro here at Golf Circuit.  I’ll be posting tips here on our blog to help you get the most out of your game, and today I want to talk a little bit about your wedges.  There are two basic elements that affect the performance of your wedges, and ensuring that you have both fit to match your game can really help you lower your scores!

Loft:  Most pitching wedges have between 46 and 48 degrees of loft, and the gap in loft between irons is usually 4 or 5 degrees.  This gap, plus the change in length, is what causes irons to carry different distances.  Knowing the loft on your pitching wedge can help you select the proper wedges for your game.  If your pitching wedge has 46 degrees of loft, the next step down would be a 50 degree gap wedge, and then a 54 or 56 degree sand wedge, and then a 58 or 60 degree lob wedge.  Having the right lofts on your wedges makes it easy to hit variety of different shots without having to adjust your swing too much.

Bounce:  There is another angle called bounce that directly affects the performance of your wedges.  Bounce is the angle between the leading edge of your wedge and the turf and it’s usually between 8 and 14 degrees.  The higher the bounce the greater the distance between the leading edge and the turf or the sand.  High bounce wedges are great for players that take large divots, those playing in wet conditions, or those playing from fluffy sand.  Low bounce wedges are great for those who take little or no divot, those playing in hard pan conditions, or those playing from hard sand.

The easiest way to start building a set of wedges that fits your game is to have your pro measure your pitching wedge loft.  That will help you determine exactly what wedges you should be shopping for to minimize distance gaps.  Also, keep in mind the playing conditions at your local course(s) when selecting bounce to maximize your performance around the green.


From Tee to Green,



 P.S. Don’t forget to check out Golf Circuit’s great selection of wedges!  Click Here! <=======



